2022 Scholarly Typographic Selections

Here are the 9 Scholarly Typographic selections from the 2022 AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show. See the selections in other categories.

Fra fravær til fællesskab
Hvad kan skolen gøre?
Gro Emmertsen Lund
Aarhus University Press
Designer: Nethe Ellinge Nielsen

Marsilius af Padua
Middelalderens revolutionære filosof
Claus Bryld
Aarhus University Press
Designer: Carl-H.K. Zakrisson

African Ecomedia
Network Forms, Planetary Politics
Cajetan Iheka
Duke University Press
Designer: Aimee C. Harrison

Black Bodies, White Gold
Art, Cotton, and Commerce in the Atlantic World
Anna Arabindan-Kesson
Duke University Press
Designer: Matthew Tauch

Nervous Systems
Art, Systems, and Politics since the 1960s
Edited by Johanna Gosse and Timothy Stott
Duke University Press
Designer: Courtney Leigh Richardson

Stargazing in the Atomic Age
Anne Goldman
University of Georgia Press
Designer: Erin Kirk

Contemporary Artists Tracing Colonial Tracks
Edited by Pieter Boons
Leuven University Press
Designer: La Villa Hermosa

Charting the Plantation Landscape from Natchez to New Orleans
Edited by Laura Kilcer VanHuss
Louisiana State University Press
Designer: Barbara Neely Bourgoyne

Pioneer Girl
The Revised Texts
Laura Ingalls Wilder; Edited by Nancy Tystad Koupal
South Dakota Historical Society Press
Designer: Rich Hendel