2022 Trade Typographic Selections

Here are the 10 Trade Typographic selections from the 2022 AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show. See the selections in other categories.

Distant Early Warning
Marshall McLuhan and the Transformation of the Avant-Garde
Alex Kitnick
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro

The Subversive Simone Weil
A Life in Five Ideas
Robert Zaretsky
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro

Value in Art
Manet and the Slave Trade
Henry M. Sayre
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Ryan Li

Magical Habits
Monica Huerta
Duke University Press
Designer: Aimee C. Harrison

America’s Original Sin
White Supremacy, John Wilkes Booth, and the Lincoln Assassination
John Rhodehamel
Johns Hopkins University Press
Designer: Amy Ruth Buchanan

The Black President
Hope and Fury in the Age of Obama
Claude A. Clegg III
Johns Hopkins University Press
Designer: Amanda Weiss

The Art of Being Dangerous
Exploring Women and Danger through Creative Expression
Edited by Jo Shaw and Ben Fletcher-Watson
Leuven University Press
Designer: Stéphane de Schrevel

Hell of a Hat
The Rise of ‘90s Ska and Swing
Kenneth Partridge
Penn State University Press
Designer: Regina Starace

Nepantla Familias
An Anthology of Mexican American Literature on Families in between Worlds
Edited by Sergio Troncoso
Texas A&M University Press
Designer: Omega Clay

The Aeneid
Vergil; Translated by Sarah Ruden; With an Introduction by Susanna Braund;
Notes and Glossary by Susanna Braund and Emma Hilliard
Yale University Press
Designer: Dustin Kilgore