2022 Book Jackets and Covers Selections

Here are the 40 Jackets and Covers selections from the 2022 AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show. See the selections in other categories.

Series title: Tænkepauser
1: Data, 2: Opmærksomhed, 3: Tarmen, 4: Vand, 5: Risiko,
6: Diktatur, 7: Ord
1: Anja Bechmann, 2: Emma Louise Louth, 3: Christian Lodberg Hvas,
4: Søren Rud Keiding, 5: Antoinette Fage-Butler, 6: Jakob Tolstrup,
7: Linda Greve
Aarhus University Press
Designer: Camilla Jørgensen, Trefold

Black Paper
Writing in a Dark Time
Teju Cole
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Isaac Tobin

The Cosmic Zoom
Scale, Knowledge, and Mediation
Zachary Horton
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Isaac Tobin

Geometry of Grief
Reflections on Mathematics, Loss, and Life
Michael Frame
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Rae Ganci Hammers

What’s Eating the Universe?
and Other Cosmic Questions
Paul Davies
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Rae Ganci Hammers

American Life
A Chinese Historian’s Perspective
Written by Cho-yun Hsu; Translated by Carissa Fletcher
Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
Designer: Chan Hei Shing@Hei Shing Book Design

Blacks and Jews in America
An Invitation to Dialogue
Terrence L. Johnson and Jacques Berlinerblau
Georgetown University Press
Designer: Spencer Fuller / Faceout Studio

The End of Asylum
Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Jaya Ramji-Nogales, and Philip G. Schrag
Georgetown University Press
Designer: Jeff Miller / Faceout Studio

Hysterical Water
Hannah Baker Saltmarsh
University of Georgia Press
Designer: Erin Kirk 

Audacious Writings by American Women, Volumes 1 and 2
Edited by Meredith Stabel and Zachary Turpin
University of Iowa Press
Designer: Kathleen Lynch / Black Kat Design

We Heard It When We Were Young
Tales of Growing Up Mexican American in Small-Town Iowa
Chuy Renteria
University of Iowa Press
Designer: Kimberly Glyder

Bitter in the Belly
John Emil Vincent
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Designer: David Drummond

Chronic Aftershock
How 9/11 Shaped Present-Day France
Jean-Philippe Mathy
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Designer: Heng Wee Tan

Neil Surkan
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Designer: David Drummond

Gabrielle McIntire
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Designer: David Drummond

Edward Carson
McGill-Queen’s University Press
Designer: David Drummond

Solo Viola
A Post-Exotic Novel
Antoine Volodine; Translated by Lia Swope Mitchell
University of Minnesota Press
Designer: Michel Vrana

Attending to Body and Earth in Distress
Ranae Lenor Hanson
University of Minnesota Press
Designer: Casalino Design

Poetic Song Verse
Blues-Based Popular Music and Poetry
Mike Mattison and Ernest Suarez
University Press of Mississippi
Designer: Jennifer Mixon

To Hell with It
Of Sin and Sex, Chicken Wings, and Dante’s Entirely Ridiculous, Needlessly Guilt-Inducing Inferno
Dinty W. Moore
University of Nebraska Press
Designer: Nathan Putens

origin story
Gary Jackson
University of New Mexico Press
Designer: Mindy Basinger Hill

A Sensory History Manifesto
Mark M. Smith
Penn State University Press
Designer: Henry Sene Yee

Now You Know It All
Joanna Pearson
University of Pittsburgh Press
Designer: Henry Sene Yee

Randomly Moving Particles
Andrew Motion
University of Pittsburgh Press
Designer: Joel W. Coggins

American Afterlives
Reinventing Death in the Twenty-First Century
Shannon Lee Dawdy
Princeton University Press
Designer: Karl Spurzem

A History of Biology
Michel Morange
Princeton University Press
Designer: Heather Hansen

A Matter of Obscenity
The Politics of Censorship in Modern England
Christopher Hilliard
Princeton University Press
Designer: Lauren Michelle Smith

Power to the Public
The Promise of Public Interest Technology
Tara Dawson McGuinness and Hana Schank
Princeton University Press
Designer: Derek Thornton / Notch Design

White Freedom
The Racial History of an Idea
Tyler Stovall
Princeton University Press
Designer: Derek Thornton / Notch Design

Getting It, Having It, Keeping It Up
Straight Men’s Sexuality in Public and Private
Beth Montemurro
Rutgers University Press
Designer: Lindsay Starr

Native Intoxicants of North America
Sean Rafferty
University of Tennessee Press
Designer: Kelly Gray

On Barbecue
John Shelton Reed
University of Tennessee Press
Designer: Kelly Gray

Resisting Garbage
The Politics of Waste Management in American Cities
Lily Baum Pollans
University of Texas Press
Designer: Jenny Volvovski

An Introduction
Julio Premat; Translated by Amanda Murphy
Vanderbilt University Press
Designer: Drohan DiSanto

On the Other Side(s) of 150
Untold Stories and Critical Approaches to History, Literature, and Identity in Canada
Edited by Linda M. Morra and Sarah Henzi
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Designer: Michel Vrana

An Anthology of Queer Voices from German-Speaking Europe
Edited by Gary Schmidt and Merrill Cole
University of Wisconsin Press
Designer: Jeremy John Parker

Clairvoyant of the Small 
The Life of Robert Walser
Susan Bernofsky
Yale University Press
Designer: Jenny Volvovski

A New Translation of the Ancient Epic 
Sophus Helle
Yale University Press
Designer: Jenny Volvovski

Latecomer State Formation 
Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America
Sebastián Mazzuca
Yale University Press
Designer: Sonia Shannon

A Novel
Sonallah Ibrahim; Translated from the Arabic by Hosam Aboul-Ela
Yale University Press
Designer: Monograph/Matt Avery