2022 Scholarly Illustrated Selections

Here are the 13 Scholarly Illustrated selections from the 2022 AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show. See the selections in other categories.

The City Creative
The Rise of Urban Placemaking in Contemporary America 
Michael H. Carriere and David Schalliol
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Monograph / Matt Avery

David Freedberg
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Monograph / Matt Avery

Lines of Thought
Branching Diagrams and the Medieval Mind
Ayelet Even-Ezra
University of Chicago Press
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro

Form and Feeling
The Making of Concretism in Brazil
Edited by Antonio Sergio Bessa
Fordham University Press
Designer: Jonathan Lo

The Metropolis in Latin America, 1830-1930
Cityscapes, Photographs, Debates
Edited by Idurre Alonso and Maristella Casciato
Getty Publications
Designers: Catherine Lorenz and Jim Drobka

Purity is a Myth
The Materiality of Concrete Art from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay
Edited by Zanna Gilbert, Pia Gottschaller, Tom Learner, and Andrew Perchuk
Getty Publications
Designer: Jim Drobka

From Its Origins to Goya
Rena M. Hoisington
National Gallery of Art
Designer: Brad Ireland

The Prophetic Quest
The Stained Glass Windows of Jacob Landau, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
David S. Herrstrom and Andrew D. Scrimgeour
Penn State University Press
Designer: Regina Starace

Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe
Marisa Anne Bass, Anne Goldgar, Hanneke Grootenboer, and Claudia Swan
Princeton University Press
Designer: Jenny Chan, Jack Design

Joseph Cornell and American Modernism
Marci Kwon
Princeton University Press
Designer: Jenny Chan, Jack Design

Mid-Century Modernism and the American Body
Race, Gender, and the Politics of Power in Design
Katrina Wilson
Princeton University Press
Designer: Roy Brooks, Fold Four, Inc.

Communicating Knowledge Visually
Will Burtin’s Scientific Approach to Information Design
R. Roger Remington and Sheila Pontis Ph.D.
RIT Press
Designer: Bruce Ian Meader

Art and Graphic Design
George Maciunas, Ed Ruscha, Sheila Levrant De Bretteville
Benoit Buquet
Yale University Press
Designer: Jena Sher Graphic Design